Thursday, January 20, 2011

Calm Down, Boris!

D, my 2-year-old has never been one to sit to hear a book. At most, we can get 4 pages read if the sentences are very short or the pages have only a few words. There are 3 books that she will sit for the whole book. Two of the books are by Sandra Boynton (Snuggle Puppy and Moo Baa La La La)...and that is just a testament to what a great children's author she is. If you haven't added Boynton's books to your toddler's library run, don't walk, to the bookstore and get several.

D sits for books that encourage action. Funny noises, animals to name, and songs to sing encourage D to sit for a book (or at least stand nearby where she can still listen and jump if need be!).

I found this book by chance when I visited our local Sam's Club last Summer when they offered a "free day" to come in and check it out. We were members several years ago but ended our membership when it didn't seem like the membership fee offset our savings (mostly I spent too much when I went there).

It's a book and a puppet in one and offers all the things necessary to keep D's attention for reading.

In Calm Down, Boris! Boris is an exuberant and loving monster who just wants to share the love...but his hairy face is a little tickly when he kisses. I love to hear D's giggles when we read this one.

1 comment:

Jules said...

This looks hilarious! Love it!