it seems like just yesterday they were two babies in my womb waiting to be born. i blinked and now they are 5.
yesterday i was holding them swaddled tightly in my arm so thankful i was finally a mom. i blinked and now i'm holding them tightly on my lap with their legs hanging downs and so thankful i'm their mom.
yesterday, i was watching them sleep safely in their crib, then i blinked and now they sleep in their single beds without guard rails.
yesterday i was pureeing their baby food, i blinked and now they are helping me make dinner. yesterday, i was singing them songs and telling them stories, i blinked and now they sing me songs and tell me stories.
yesterday i was watching them learn to sit and crawl then i blinked and now i'm watching them ride their bikes, run, jump, dance, bowl, write, draw.

while i wouldn't trade these last 5 years for anything, i wish i could slow down time because i'm afraid to blink and find they are 18 and off to college.
It definitely goes quickly!
Too fast!
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