Lo those many years ago, before we had children and were still living in the Big City, my husband and I received a gift. It looked like this:

I swear to you that in all of my life up until that moment I'd never heard of any such thing. People didn't just carve faces on their pumpkins? Happy faces? Sad faces? Scary faces? There were designs? This was beyond my frame of reference, friends. I came from simple pumpkin carving folk.
So we tried it, my husband and I. We broke out of our comfort zone, and sharpened our knives, and did us up a fancy jack-o-lantern. And we liked it! Our jack-o-lanterns were so cool! So fun! We reused those templates so many times that it's gross. Totally.
When our kids grow up, they'll probably get married to a lovely woman who wants to carve a simple, smiling jack-o-lantern and they'll be all "What? No scary spider? No bat?" It's a complicated world, isn't it?
As I was looking back through my photos I realized I don't have many photos of our creations. So this year, I will start. But here you can see a couple examples, if you look past those pesky kids in the photos.
(It's hard to see it, but that one on the left is an excellent and scary skull.
The one on the right, well, who knows?)
(Here you can see the cool spider - I like this guy and
I am no fan of spiders, let me tell you.)
If you'd like to create your own fancy jack-o-lanterns this year, you can find these books everywhere now. They probably sell them at your grocery store. Or maybe Target. But if not, or if you prefer to search from the comfort of that chair you're sitting in, here are a few links to try.
We have done fancy pumpkins and regular pumpkins. It depends how ambitious or tired I am the night we carve (because Daddy and I are still the carvers since the kids are still little!)
Here's one year we did fancier pumpkins. I was pretty proud of them. http://www.coolzebras.com/2006/10/halloween-previewthe-pumpkins-are-done.html
We used the exact same kit today w/ the kid's at my workplace when we carved our pumpkins, for some reason though the design didn't show up on any of the pumpkins we did.
Heather - I looked at your old pumpkin post. Those were great...that looked like an awfully big effort. The templates are pretty easy because you just copy & carve. Have a great time trick-or-treating with the kids tomorrow.
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