Monday, March 21, 2011


I'm struggling! There I said it. It's true. I usually don't feel this way for more than a week but this time it's been for a couple months.  I'm struggling with being the mom I want to be. I'm struggling with being the owner of a growing business! I'm struggling with being the wife I want to be, with running my household the way I'd like, with the amount of sleep I want to get, the fact that one to four of my kids has been sick since Feb. 1 or with the fact that spring isn't coming soon enough. Mostly, I'm struggling with the fact that I'm struggling.

I can't seem to remember Thursday is media for my kids and I should send along their library books to return and pick out a new one. While they've never complained, I'm now writing it in my calendar.  I also can't seem to remember it's my week to blog here, sorry for the delay. 

I've been feeling this way for a while, but it seems to have come to fruitation and now I must resolve it.  I need to find the work life balance that I'm seeking.  My husband even does the majority of the cleaning, dishes, baths and some laundry. 

I'm torn between being a mom and building a business.  I started my business so I could spend more time with my kids!  Will there ever be true balance?

I admit I am struggling and it is so hard for me to say.  Does anyone else feel this way? 


SJINCO said...

Yes. Yes I feel this way. And I don't want to however I can't seem to fix it. I'm struggling too.

Heather said...

Often! We all can only do so much, and make priorities. Family first, then the rest as best as we can. My Etsy business has almost ground to a halt, but I'll never put a business first. There is a balance though, and the kids' ages play a big role. They won't always need us so much.

Kirsetin Morello said...

You know, I think it's so good for all of us as a community of moms when we can share with one another how hard this job is sometimes. The worst thing we can do is pretend it's all easy-peasy, and let the other moms think we've got it going on. I don't know one mother who hasn't struggled with similar issues at some point. Hang in there! In my experience, it's an ebb and flow over time...3 tough months, 3 relatively balanced ones, etc. Thanks for putting this out there; I promise it's not permanent!

Jenny said...

For me, it's winter. Cold and snow and coats and missing gloves and the sun doesn't shine for weeks- it just kills me. But finally the weather breaks and I can see then end. Hang in there!